Why the Jackson Hole Leadership Progam is Meaningful… but don’t take our word for it!
August 6, 2018
Social and Emotional Skill Building
November 9, 2018
Why the Jackson Hole Leadership Progam is Meaningful… but don’t take our word for it!
August 6, 2018
Social and Emotional Skill Building
November 9, 2018Red Top Meadows is more than just a youth treatment facility. I graduated from RTM just over two years ago and I wish I could go back. It’s unlike any other facility. It’s a home. The staff manage to take care of all the boys there and still focus on each one individually. You get to build relationships with said staff that you won’t get anywhere else. They truly believe in it being a choice based program and that’s what it is. You decide how well you’ll do there. The staff encourage you to be your best and are there every step of the way.
One of the greatest features of RTM is without a doubt the wilderness program. In my short stay there I had the amazing experience of going on the Spring and Summer “Wildy’s” and start building trails in the Fall. I have yet to take the bracelets from them off to this day. It’s a daily reminder. Not a reminder of how I messed up my life, but how the staff at Red Top helped me put it back together and the great people I met and experiences I had.
One of my greatest memories happened during the Summer WILDY. It was our layover day at Camp Lake and so myself and supervisor at the time, Andy Eckl, took what we needed in our day packs, found a point we wanted to get to, and planned a route on the map. Just the two of us hiked up to a peak around 13,000 feet, had lunch, and hiked back down in just a few hours. That’s not a memory you would get at any other facility. Without a doubt, RTM, in my mind, as well as many others I’m sure, is the best option for any troubled youth.
Thank you for this opportunity, it has changed my life in ways I never knew were possible.