Contact Us

Teton Youth and Family Services has been serving children and their families since 1977. We have helped hundreds of children find their way out of trouble and hundreds more to stay out of trouble.



P.O. Box 2631
Jackson, WY 83001

510 South Cache
Jackson, WY 83001


Interested in Joining Our Team?

A meaningful work environment where you get to do good for your community, experience the beautiful outdoors and help put smiles back on the faces of Wyoming’s children. Sound like a job for you? See what job opportunities are currently available!

Do You Want to Make a Difference in Our Children’s Lives?

Supporting our organization doesn’t have to mean giving money. You can become an advocate by hosting an evening event with friends and/or help spread the word about the need for youth crisis services. We also offer tours of one or all of our three sites so you can understand first-hand who we serve and what programs we offer. To arrange a time please email

If you feel called to support us financially, here are some great ways we could use your help!

Do You Want to Make a Difference in Our Children’s Lives?

Supporting our organization doesn’t have to mean giving money. You can become an advocate by hosting an evening event with friends and/or help spread the word about the need for youth crisis services. We also offer tours of one or all of our three sites so you can understand first-hand who we serve and what programs we offer. To arrange a time please email

If you feel called to support us financially, here are some great ways we could use your help!

Upcoming Events

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Upcoming Events

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Youth Mental Health Summit

The Impact of Technology on Modern-day Youth
May 13 - 15, 2025

Teton Youth and Family Services is an equal opportunity provider.

“In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs, or disability.

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 ( TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”