Therapeutic Wilderness Experiences

Red Top Meadows has provided Therapeutic Wilderness Experiences for adolescent boys since 1982. These 21-day trips are available to Red Top Meadows residents and non-residents and occur during summer months. Individualized programs for groups from schools, counseling centers, other programs can be arranged and are encouraged.

We provide an elective 21 Day Summer Wilderness Program to 7 boys, with 5 boys receiving full scholarships.

Wilderness trips have been a part of the Red Top Residential Treatment Program since 1982. Over the years it has become apparent that wilderness experiences accelerate the therapeutic process. The combination of the wilderness environment, adventure activities and the sense of community formed by living closely in the mountains provides students with new perspectives on the world and themselves, as well as endless learning and personal growth opportunities. The new insights, confidence and skills developed during these trips, along with the trust developed with the staff, help a student be more prepared to make the changes needed in his daily life to meet his treatment goals.

Wilderness trips for the residential program are scheduled to follow the 7-8 week school sessions in the fall, winter, spring, and summer. Each wilderness experience is structured around a theme. The theme is then carried into the following school program. The goal is to help students generalize concepts and skills and be able to transfer them from one environment to another. Transferring these skills to their home environment is the ultimate goal.

We have repeatedly found these experiences beneficial for boys who exhibit one or more of the following symptoms or behaviors:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Poor peer relationships
  • Shy, awkward and/or lonely
  • Age inappropriate behavior
  • Depression
  • Lack of healthy attachments
  • Poor social skills
  • Poor self-esteem


The overall goals for the expeditions are to help participants:

  • Realize they can do more physically and emotionally than they previously believed.
  • Believe it is possible for them to make meaningful connections with people
  • Feel safer in relation to other people and the world.
  • Realize they are connected to things greater than themselves and that they are part of the world.
  • Return home with new skills that will help them continue to be involved with people.
  • Have a safe and fun experience.

The trip will help each participant reach these goals by providing individual and group challenges and by encouraging cooperation, forethought and responsibility.


The overall goals for the expeditions are to help participants:

  • Realize they can do more physically and emotionally than they previously believed.
  • Believe it is possible for them to make meaningful connections with people
  • Feel safer in relation to other people and the world.
  • Realize they are connected to things greater than themselves and that they are part of the world.
  • Return home with new skills that will help them continue to be involved with people.
  • Have a safe and fun experience.

The trip will help each participant reach these goals by providing individual and group challenges and by encouraging cooperation, forethought and responsibility.

Three Red Top Meadows Wilderness Field Staff lead each group of seven boys. Staff are trained and experienced at managing risk and providing a therapeutic and educational experience in a wilderness setting. A certified therapist supervises the expedition and meets with staff and students weekly in the field.

Parents are asked to meet with their son and staff before each trip to set goals. We meet again at the end of the trip to review progress and create a plan for continued growth and success in the student’s home community.

The Summer Program
The Summer Program is the longest, with students spending 26 days in the field. The theme of the summer program is “moving from dependence to being more interdependent.”

The Fall Trip
In fall, we offer a one week community service project working in cooperation with the Forest Service’s Adopt-A-Trail Program. Students work on building and maintaining the trail system in our area. The theme of this program is “making contributions to the communities in which you live.”

The Winter Trip
The Winter Trip is a one week skiing/camping experience close to the residential center. The theme of the winter program is “thriving through teamwork.”

The Spring Trip
The Spring Trip takes place in southern Utah. The theme for the spring trip is “relaxation, reflection and spiritual awareness.” This is generally a 12-day trip exploring the canyons of the Escalante River.

RTM has been accredited by the Association of Experiential Education since 1999, highlighting our long term commitment to providing safe, ethically sound and therapeutic wilderness experiences for adolescents.


For information and application, contact Tom Concannon at (307) 733-9098.