Join TYFS by becoming a Corporate Sponsor

Each year Teton Youth and Family Services must raise more than $1.3M from private, corporate, business or foundation resources to leverage the support we get from town, county, state, and federal sources to provide our programming.

Join TYFS by becoming a Corporate Sponsor

Each year Teton Youth and Family Services must raise more than $1.3M from private, corporate, business or foundation resources to leverage the support we get from town, county, state, and federal sources to provide our programming.

Work with TYFS to give families in Teton County and beyond access to resources that provide healthy paths toward successful futures.

A thriving community relies on a vibrant workforce including healthy families and healthy youth. For more than 45 years, Teton Youth & Family Services has provided programming and support for our most vulnerable community members. Over the past two years, the need has nearly doubled from case management and therapeutic support for young children and families navigating trauma to residential and wilderness-based therapeutic opportunities for teenagers facing tough challenges. We believe every community member deserves a chance to thrive and be healthy.

Our goal this year is to raise
$250,000+ from our sponsors.

As a business partner, we can showcase your company through high impact giving and event sponsorship. We also provide service opportunities for you or your employees to volunteer at our events.

A thriving community relies on a vibrant workforce including healthy families and healthy youth. For more than 45 years, Teton Youth & Family Services has provided programming and support for our most vulnerable community members. Over the past two years, the need has nearly doubled from case management and therapeutic support for young children and families navigating trauma to residential and wilderness-based therapeutic opportunities for teenagers facing tough challenges. We believe every community member deserves a chance to thrive and be healthy.

Our goal this year is to raise
$250,000+ from our sponsors.

As a business partner, we can showcase your company through high impact giving and event sponsorship. We also provide service opportunities for you or your employees to volunteer at our events.

2025 Event Sponsorship Opportunities


Shine On, a rooftop soiree at The Cloudveil in Jackson Hole

  • Suite for two (2) people at the Cloudveil, including breakfast
  • 6 tickets to Shine On
  • Sponsor Gifts for 6

Annual Golf & Pickleball Benefit at Teton Pines

  • A foursome, hole sponsorship & premium sponsor table
  • Highlighted Sponsor messaging throughout event
  • Custom Event Cooler with unlimited drinks

Red Top Meadows Family Picnic, Sponsor

  • 2 tables for 8

Your name or logo on a sponsor banner at each event

Table at events for business promotional materials or giveaways

JHN&G ad sponsor (2 inserts)

TYFS Social media business spotlight

TYFS E-Newsletter Spotlight

Additional recognition opportunities TBD with sponsor and Sarah Cavallaro, TYFS ED


Shine On, a rooftop soiree at The Cloudveil in Jackson Hole

  • 2 tickets to Shine On
  • Sponsor gifts for 2

Annual Golf & Pickleball Benefit at Teton Pines

  • A foursome, hole sponsorship & premium sponsor table
  • Highlighted Sponsor messaging throughout event
  • Custom Event Cooler with unlimited drinks

Red Top Meadows Family Picnic, Sponsor

  • 1 table for 8

Your name or logo on a sponsor banner at each event

JHN&G ad sponsor (2 inserts)

TYFS Social media business spotlight

TYFS E-Newsletter Spotlight


Shine On, a rooftop soiree at The Cloudveil in Jackson Hole

  • 2 tickets to Shine On

Annual Golf & Pickleball Benefit at Teton Pines

  • A foursome, hole sponsorship & premium sponsor table

Red Top Meadows Family Picnic, Sponsor

  • 1 table for 8

Your company message/logo in programs

JHN&G ad sponsor (1 insert)

TYFS Social media business spotlight

TYFS E-Newsletter Spotlight


Shine On, a rooftop soiree at The Cloudveil in Jackson Hole

  • 2 tickets to Shine On

Annual Golf & Pickleball Benefit at Teton Pines

  • Hole sponsorship

Red Top Meadows Family Picnic, Sponsor

Your company message/logo in programs


Shine On, a rooftop soiree at The Cloudveil in Jackson Hole

  • Suite for two (2) people at the Cloudveil, including breakfast
  • 6 tickets to Shine On
  • Sponsor Gifts for 6

Annual Golf & Pickleball Benefit at Teton Pines

  • A foursome, hole sponsorship & premium sponsor table
  • Highlighted Sponsor messaging throughout event
  • Custom Event Cooler with unlimited drinks

Red Top Meadows Family Picnic, Sponsor

  • 2 tables for 8

Your name or logo on a sponsor banner at each event

Table at events for business promotional materials or giveaways

JHN&G ad sponsor (2 inserts)

TYFS Social media business spotlight

TYFS E-Newsletter Spotlight

Additional recognition opportunities TBD with sponsor and Sarah Cavallaro, TYFS ED


Shine On, a rooftop soiree at The Cloudveil in Jackson Hole

  • 2 tickets to Shine On
  • Sponsor gifts for 2

Annual Golf & Pickleball Benefit at Teton Pines

  • A foursome, hole sponsorship & premium sponsor table
  • Highlighted Sponsor messaging throughout event
  • Custom Event Cooler with unlimited drinks

Red Top Meadows Family Picnic, Sponsor

  • 1 table for 8

Your name or logo on a sponsor banner at each event

JHN&G ad sponsor (2 inserts)

TYFS Social media business spotlight

TYFS E-Newsletter Spotlight


Shine On, a rooftop soiree at The Cloudveil in Jackson Hole

  • 2 tickets to Shine On

Annual Golf & Pickleball Benefit at Teton Pines

  • A foursome, hole sponsorship & premium sponsor table

Red Top Meadows Family Picnic, Sponsor

  • 1 table for 8

Your company message/logo in programs

JHN&G ad sponsor (1 insert)

TYFS Social media business spotlight

TYFS E-Newsletter Spotlight


Shine On, a rooftop soiree at The Cloudveil in Jackson Hole

  • 2 tickets to Shine On

Annual Golf & Pickleball Benefit at Teton Pines

  • Hole sponsorship

Red Top Meadows Family Picnic, Sponsor

Your company message/logo in programs

Each year Teton Youth and Family Services must raise more than $1.3M from private, corporate, business or foundation resources to leverage the support we get from town, county, state, and federal sources to provide our programming.

In partnership with you we can work together to help our community members find healthy paths toward a successful future.

Take a part in supporting Youth Mental Health Across the West

Marketing Recognition
  • Recognized as a Lead Sponsor of this event
  • Mentioned in Press Release and other long form media
  • Social Media post recognizing the Lead sponsor pre event and post event
  • Logo featured on the footer of event emails, event banner, program, thank you ad and social media post, event landing page
  • Thanked at the event by the MC
  • 6 tickets - full Summit (all 3 days)
  • 4 tickets - Shine On Gala at the Cloudveil
Marketing Recognition
  • Social Media post recognizing the sponsor pre-event
  • Logo featured on the footer of event emails, event banner, program, thank you ad and social media post, event landing page
  • 4 tickets - full Summit (all 3 days)
  • 2 tickets - Shine On Gala at the Cloudveil
Marketing Recognition
  • Logo featured on the footer of event emails, event banner, program, thank you ad and social media post, event landing page 
  • 4 tickets - full Summit (all 3 days)
Marketing Recognition
  • Logo featured on event banner, program, thank you ad and social media post, event landing page
  • 2 tickets - full Summit (all 3 days)

Please contact Emma Getsinger if you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor for the 2025 Youth Mental Health Summit!

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

Each year Teton Youth and Family Services must raise more than $1.3M from private, corporate, business or foundation resources to leverage the support we get from town, county, state, and federal sources to provide our programming.

In partnership with you we can work together to help our community members find healthy paths toward a successful future.

Take a part in supporting Youth Mental Health Across the West

Marketing Recognition
  • Recognized as a Lead Sponsor of this event
  • Mentioned in Press Release and other long form media
  • Social Media post recognizing the Lead sponsor pre event and post event
  • Logo featured on the footer of event emails, event banner, program, thank you ad and social media post, event landing page
  • Thanked at the event by the MC
  • 6 tickets - full Summit (all 3 days)
  • 4 tickets - Shine On Gala at the Cloudveil
Marketing Recognition
  • Social Media post recognizing the sponsor pre-event
  • Logo featured on the footer of event emails, event banner, program, thank you ad and social media post, event landing page
  • 4 tickets - full Summit (all 3 days)
  • 2 tickets - Shine On Gala at the Cloudveil
Marketing Recognition
  • Logo featured on the footer of event emails, event banner, program, thank you ad and social media post, event landing page 
  • 4 tickets - full Summit (all 3 days)
Marketing Recognition
  • Logo featured on event banner, program, thank you ad and social media post, event landing page
  • 2 tickets - full Summit (all 3 days)

Please contact Emma Getsinger if you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor for the 2025 Youth Mental Health Summit!