Residential Treatment Facility Gives Back to Community
December 12, 2017
Van Vleck House Secure Facility
December 12, 2017
Residential Treatment Facility Gives Back to Community
December 12, 2017
Van Vleck House Secure Facility
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December 12, 2017

Teen Power: Fostering Relationships Through Jobs

December 12, 2017

Teen Power: Fostering Relationships Through Jobs

“Our work is about relationships.” This message is true and fundamental to TYFS as a whole, and the Teen Power is certainly no exception. Teen Power is an extra-curricular activity open to all Jackson Hole Middle School students. We seek to connect youth looking for work experience with community members who could use an extra hand. But far beyond that, Teen Power is an opportunity to develop individual character strengths and meaningful relationships.

This past summer an older adult who was having difficulties being active enough to exercise her dog called to inquire about Teen Power’s services. We were able to connect, Jessica, a 7th grade student who lives in the same neighborhood, with Donna and her pup, Bella. Jessica loved the opportunity to make some money, but her parents were more excited about witnessing her place a high value on helping others while demonstrating responsibility. Now that school is in session, Jessica can only help out a few times a week, but in hearing her talk about her first work experience one can easily identify a growing sense of personal power and purpose. Jessica also forged a connection with Donna, who acted as another caring adult in her life.

Not all Teen Power jobs result in long-term relationships, many are one-time home or yard projects or babysitting needs. These still contribute to a student’s sense of self. The weekly after-school component allows for career exploration at the same time as students learn about communication, team-building, gratitude, and other soft skills fundamental to future growth and success. We believe that by providing a supportive context in which young people can feel more connected to something they care about, they will be less likely to engage in maladaptive future behaviors. We strive to keep our work centered on developmental relationships by helping young people discover who they are; develop abilities to shape their own lives; and learn how to engage with and contribute to the world around them. 

Dicks Sporting Goods Wish List

  • Basketball

  • Kickball

  • Pickleball Set

  • Soccer ball