Staff Highlight: NOAH STRAUSS
Noah Strauss was born in Brunswick, Maine.
He attended the University of Maine in Orono where he majored in Elementary Education. He then moved to Jackson Hole two days after graduation to ski and play.
He was drawn to work at the Van Vleck House so that he could engage in active work with kids, where his fun loving nature could shine through. He likes the fact that there is constant change in his job with all the different kids he interacts with.
Noah enjoys getting the kids to participate in physical activities that they might not have tried before and loves helping to create new experiences for the kids. According to Noah he gets the most gratification from “seeing growth happen, seeing the kids improve their lives, to return home, and witnessing a-ha moments for kids when they gain insight into their lives.”
Noah has worked at TYFS since 2013. He is currently a Lead Youth Counselor at the Van Vleck House.