Summer 2024 Newsletter
September 18, 2024
Holiday Open House
November 25, 2024
Summer 2024 Newsletter
September 18, 2024
Holiday Open House
November 25, 2024JOB OPPORTUNITY | September 17, 2024
Math & Science Teacher
Position Responsibilities:
– Provide high quality, standards and research based, education to all students.
Collaborate with faculty and school administration to develop a curriculum map and to oversee individual unit development by course teachers. Work with other educators to assess student achievement and to design and deliver differentiated lessons geared to closing the achievement gap and to helping students to meet Wyoming State Academic and Content Standards.
– Attend all aspects of the students well being and growth within the classroom.
Keep in mind the students’ therapeutic goals and medications (including indications and possible side effects) and seek clarification and guidance as needed. Maintain a dialogue with the teachers, therapists, and childcare staff regarding the students’ academic and behavioral progress and difficulties. Be open to the counsel of other members of the Red Top Meadows community and maintain a collaborative spirit in an effort to best meet the needs of students. Provide observations of student behavior and academic progress as requested by faculty, staff, therapists, and administrations. Attend monthly case review meetings with each therapist to review individual student goals, progress, and needs. Work as a team to develop student centered solutions to persistent and developing problems. Communicate with the therapist any information relevant to the parents as they are the primary communication conduit to the family. Be responsive to parent requests.
– Work with classroom aides as partners in the classroom.
Provide clear direction and instruction to the classroom asides so that they develop a meaningful and rewarding role within the classroom. Make time to debrief and problem solve with the aides on a daily and/or weekly basis. Communicate with the classroom aides any information relevant to the residential staff as they are the primary communication conduit to the residential and wilderness settings.
– Actively collect and use assessments and assessment datum to inform instruction and to make adjustments that facilitate student learning.
Work with the other teachers and administration to assess student achievement and to design and deliver differentiated lessons geared to closing the achievement gap and to helping students meet Wyoming State Academic and Content Standards. As part of our data collection efforts, keep accurate and up-to-date attendance, tardy time, point and strike, Friday Activity, and special education records.
– For Math, Science, Reading & Writing Workshop, and Life Skills courses, review and/or design unit plans appropriate for our students and for meeting the Wyoming State Academic and Content Standards as indicated by the curriculum maps.
Life Skills includes the standards for Vocation/Career, Health, and Fine & Performing Arts. Review, revise, and/or create course descriptions for each of the above courses. Review all course descriptions and curriculum maps with the Director of Education.
Work as part of a team to develop a curriculum map and unit plans, as well as Physical Education and Educational Games & Initiatives.
Keep in mind that Life Skills includes the standards for Vocation/Career, Health, and Fine & Performing Arts and may require collaboration of all teaching staff.
– Utilize the resources provided by the school and research internet and community based resources to enrich the program.
Make specific recommendations for additional resources as funds become available. When appropriate use project based instruction, enlist guest speakers, plan field trips, and find other ways to enrich the learning experience.
– The arts: Partner with visiting artists by managing the classroom, addressing individual student needs, and giving instructional guidance when needed to bring fine and performing arts to our students.
– Wilderness lessons: Actively find ways to link the lessons learned in the wilderness and in the classroom. Add expertise to the wilderness curriculum and be a model for expected behavior when on a wilderness excursion. Help students generalize between the two experiences. Participate in one of the three wilderness trips (fall, winter, or spring).
– Provide guidance to students, helping them to develop and work toward academic and vocational goals. Hold weekly meetings with advisees. Co-develop Individual Learning Plans with the faculty team and the individual student.
– Special Education: Actively participate in the Individualized Education Program [IEP] process. Maintain an awareness of student special needs. Attend IEP meetings and provide input into student IEPs. Meet with students on a quarterly basis to review and discuss progress on specific IEP goals as appropriate. Identify students who are not responding to instruction and work with teachers, childcare/classroom aides, therapists, and school administration as needed to adjust or design a targeted instructional program. Provide clear and reasonable recommendations for transitioning students back to a district school or program.
Provide instruction and resources to classroom aids. Provide differentiated instruction and materials, and instruct classroom aides on the special needs of individual students and provide clear direction on how to meet those needs.
– Be a positive role model for students and adhere to all school and general Red Top Meadows policies and procedures.
An ideal candidates will have:
A degree in Education, or equivalent experience.
Preferred two years of experience in the teaching field.
A clear understanding of and commitment to the principles of confidentiality in our work.
A valid teaching license or the ability to earn one in a timely fashion.
Send your resume or any employment questions to Emmie Johnson at ejohnson@tyfs.org.
Teton Youth and Family Services is an equal opportunity provider.
“In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs, or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 ( TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”